Date: 10/23/2023 Current Goal: Break 80 (still have to Break 90 anywhere else not named Lake Tahoe Golf Course) Current Handicap: 12.4
- What an amazing golf season it’s been
- Last season all the into the beginning of this season, when I was playing I was shooting over 100.
- The golf trip and lesson down at Torrey Pines in April really was a gamechanger for me.
- Started the season with everything going to the right (slicing), now my misses are all to the left (hooking)
- Knocked on the door of breaking into 70s a couple times
- Current swing thoughts
- Shifting forward to start transition → 1-2 club lengths of additional distance
- keeping back towards target for as long as possible
- goal is to have shoulders parallel to to ball plane at impact (while hips are open towards target)
- takeaway — keep club outside of hands, don’t have unnecessary wrist hinge at top of swing
- New putter!
- Oh yeah my golf season is not actually ending
- Taking my talents to Oahu for the winter
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